Teaching materials in English
Teaching materials and workshop plans
Our teaching materials about food, electronics, cotton and subvertisements include many types of exercises for secondary and upper secondary schools.
You can download and combine the most suitable materials for your group: you can run a subvertisement workshop about food or electronics, play the electronics industry board game (not so)Smartphone or run a drama workshop about cotton.
Subvertisement workshops
A guide to running a subvertisement workshop

Teaching media literacy & geographies of consumption is a guide to running a subvertisement workshop for comprehensive schools or groups of older students.
In the workshop, you critically analyse advertisements, ask questions of world trading relations that bring products into your lives, and use this knowledge to make and present your own ad parodies, subvertisements.
What does an advertisement tell you and what does it leave untold? What are subvertisements and how can you use them in teaching and making an impact?
- Read and download the guide pdf
- Introduction video for background information
Global Meal: subvertisement workshop about food
Food is a familiar, daily and personal act. At the same time, the production has many environmental, social and ethical impacts, which can be examined through interpreting and making subvertisements.
Global Meal is a workshop about food that includes a presentation, animation pictures and exercises with a subvertisement gallery that you can print.
The presentations and plans of the workshops are ready-to-use lesson plans for teaching. The slides include exercices for students. You can run a whole workshop or choose individual slides for your class.
The Global Meal materials were co-developed with the Association of Biology and Geography Teachers of Finland, BMOL ry, in 2017-2018.
- Download the presentation powerpoint
- Subvertisements in Finnish and English

Phones and subvertising: subvertisement workshop about electronics
Phones and subvertising is a workshop about electronics that includes a presentation, photos and exercises with a subvertisement gallery that you can print.
- Download the presentation powerpoint
- Subvertisements in Finnish and English
Extra: Photos and maps about electronics
In teaching about the global electronics industry, you can also use
- A photo gallery about the local and global impacts of electronics. You can print the photos and a world map for small groups. Students can try to organise the photos according to the stages of production and think where in the world the stages are located.
- A list of parodic subvertisement videos and performances
Extra: Photos, maps and subvertisements about clothes
- In teaching about the global textile industry, you can also use
- A photo gallery about the local and global impacts of clothes and a map of the production chain of clothes.You can print the photos and a world map for small groups. Students can try to organise the photos according to the stages of production and think where in the world the stages are located.
- Subvertisements about clothes (in Finnish). Print the photos and use the exercise on page 8-9 in this guide.
Board games
Getland – A playful experience to learn sustainable thinking
Getland is a board game for youth about circular economy and responsible consumption.
You can find and download all the game materials here.

Electronics industry board game
(not so)Smartphone is a board game for youth and young adults about the responsibility of world trade and business along the life cycle of electronics.
Download the game and read more!

More materials in English
Other materials and tips for Global Citizenship Education in Finland: www.globaalikasvatus.fi/en