Pro Ethical Trade Finland

Pro Ethical Trade Finland

Pro Ethical Trade Finland (Eettisen kaupan puolesta ry – Eetti) is a non-profit organisation that promotes trade justice, sustainable value chains and ethical consumption. 

What we want?

Our goal is to create a social movement that encourages people to take action for just world trade and raise awareness amongst youth on ethical consumerism.

What we do?

  • Investigate how responsible Finnish companies are regarding human rights and the environment and promote sustainable business through public campaigns and dialogue with companies.
  • Raise awareness and participate in public discourse on problems in global supply chains and on ways to overcome them.
  • Advocate for legislation that mandates companies to respect human rights in their operations.
  • Visit schools and strengthen critical thinking and media literacy amongst young people, for example through our popular subvertisement workshops.
  • Offer free training materials for educators.
  • Train volunteers and activists.
  • Organise events and actions locally across Finland

Contact information

Eetti (Pro Ethical Trade Finland)

Siltasaarenkatu 4, 7th floor

00530 Helsinki


Contact information

Get involved and become a member

Eetti is an open membership organisation. Anyone interested in trade justice can join Eetti. The membership fees in 2024 are:

  • Standard membership fee: 30 euros
  • Reduced membership fee for students, pensioners and unemployed persons: 15 euros
  • Family membership: 50 euros
  • Supporter membership fee: minimum of 100 euros

Membership benefits in 2024

  • 5 % discount in Ruohonjuuri stores and webstore
  • 10 % discount in Cimos
  • 10 % discount on lunch in Roots Kitchen Turku
  • One-time 20 % discount on repair services of Menddie
  • Possibility to influence Eetti’s work.

Support us

As an independent organisation we rely on private donations and membership fees. You can support our work towards ending corporate practices that harm people and the environment. You can choose a one-off donation or monthly donation here.

Materials in English:

Valitettavasti annetuilla ehdoilla ei löytynyt sisältöä 🙁